Hey guys!

I’ve missed you. And writing. And posting.
But honestly just mostly you since I’m so over the moon that you even follow me.
A lot has been going on and I also had to wait on my computer to be fixed so that I can keep up with posting. I know many people can type just fine and post from their phone. I, however, cannot.

So, here we are back in action and I thought I would start sharing a little more of our everyday rather than just certain topics. A lot of you have been commenting on seeing more of our home and such, so I’ll be posting more of those as well as projects we are working on. With our wedding coming up in only a few months, our mind and money has been directed that way instead of the parts of our home that my mind is in tunnel vision of finishing.

One thing at a time. One thing at a time.

As far as this past week, it’s been a cuddly one. A much needed ‘time to breathe, regroup, and just cuddle’ one. Life is full of challenges for me these days and I literally just feel like I’m living and taking one single day at a time when it comes. So chatting with you and tweaking or doing projects around my home other than the quality time that I can soak in with my loves when they are here are the only things that are really keeping me sane right now.

Sunday we were able to end last week on a refreshed note. At least one to last me an entire day without my mind or thoughts taking over with things that didn’t need to be my main focus at that moment. Ran didn’t have to work and we cancelled our other plans to just go for a drive. All day.

It’s kind of what we do. That’s ‘our thang.’ We road trip. For one hour or 6, no matter the directions, we just go.

Anyway, if you follow us on Instagram here, then you may have seen our story recently as we tore up some gravel roads, visited many beautiful horses, whom we’ll probably never be able to see or chat with again because we don’t ever remember which direction we were going, but here are some of the beauties. We usually dance in open fields between farms somewhere, drive through the prettiest open lands or find secret hidden passages filled with poison ivy or oak and feel like a superhero because we’re inside the truck. We crank up the music, sing and laugh a lot while holding hands and smooch each other on the cheek every so often. Eventually, we vent a little bit about what’s bothering us and talk about what we need to do next to get us through our personal ‘bumps in the road,’ all while knowing, we have someone there.

Blah, blah, blah.
I know.
I know most of you are probably like, “Puke. Another oober romantic and mushy couple.” Because yes, I’ve heard it out of even some of my friends’ mouths, but seriously, it’s the best feeling in the world just simply being with this guy. And when you know this feeling I’m talking about, you know not to let go, second guess or doubt. You can’t. It’s impossible.

Living day to day, however, is sometimes harder than we all make it out to be. The same daily schedule, the long-dragging out days that come and go so fast and you think back to ‘what did I even get accomplished or do on that day?’ Sometimes we feel like a couple ships passing in the night when it comes to bedtime, and honestly, that’s usually the only time we see each other for about 5 minutes on most days with his work schedule. And that is only if I’m awake or he wakes me to let me know that he’s home. The stress of trying to cram in all errands, projects, or even normal adult conversation on his one day off during the week is more stressful than relaxing as well.

Bottom line: we just can’t wait for a location change for him. It’s been a long time coming and a lot more dreaming.

At the end of the day, we do still have each other and make sure to find ways to show it, not only to one another but in front of the kids as well. We know we are on the right path and we are doing okay taking one day at a time. That doesn’t mean it’s not hard or exhausting and our life is easy peasy. You have to build the road before you can enjoy the drive on it without a worry. We are still building, we just have to remember that.

So until we get to this next step, dreamy days like this will get us through.

They always do.

One Day At A Time