A Warrior Friend Right Next Door

Ever since we’ve moved into our home on the corner of College Avenue, the house next to us has been empty. There is a ton of character that flows through it, as it’s an old house and has original fireplaces, built-in church pews, etc but has always just needed a lot of work. We would peek out the window each time someone would walk through it with their real estate agent, wondering if they were the perfect fit… but nothing. Everyone would walk through it and we would never see them again.

Until NOW. We have new neighbors!!!
And to say that they are the ‘perfect fit’ would be an understatement!

My goodness, God knew we needed them! And the perfect timing. His mama and I have been bonding in our backyards, sharing stories, realizing how much we have in common in hospitals, therapies, doctors, procedures… and all we are trying to be at the end of every day is to try and be as strong as our boys are who simply walking in front of us in this photo. There is so much strength here right in front of our eyes! Two of the strongest little warriors right here.

Owen has a regressive, terminal childhood disease of Sanfilippo Syndrome + little William, age 2 with so far 20 surgeries, was born with Spina Bifida. I look at these photos and will forever cherish them today in this moment. Owen still walking at age 8 and Will strongly learning how to walk on his own with no feeling at all in those little feet! We even travel to the same hospital for all of our testing!

Sadly, their paths in life are the opposite but what a supportive kind of friend to be able to have by your (our) side! I see this friendship blooming so much! And so thankful to have a warrior mama right across the yard and a little guys that my boy can be excited about playing with.

It’s like God handed them to us at just the right time for this mama. 😭🙏🏻💜

Remember, everyone has a story. Walk beside someone else in their journey and let them know that they are not alone. This life is truly a powerful, Heavenly thing when you find ‘your people’ to help guide you through.

One Day At A Time