Horse Therapy: Term 3

Horse therapy term 3 is in the books!

This term we celebrated Owen’s birthday! We played a lot of hide and seek, chased Miss Monica around, always still including our toys and have been enjoying riding outside! It was very hot some of the days, so that meant we either stayed in the arena or instead of riding, we did chores and even got to give our Mack a bath one day! Owen wrote his name in the suds on his back and after being all clean, they went for a walk to dry off. When we took Mack back to his ‘home’ for the afternoon, he went to his favorite spot and rolled around in the dirt! Oh, no! Hahaha. At least he got a quick cool off session! Brother and sister got to come again to watch and help a couple times, all the ladies always have a toy on hand and ready to talk to Owen through and Owen has gotten so good with riding with one hand or even no hands at times! There were lots of high fives, laughs and smiles. Owen has been such a good listener and he really looks so forward to coming here.

Scroll through and enjoy this term with us. This therapy will forever be my favorite.
Thank you, as always, to all of our favorite girls who work with us at New Kingdom Trailriders in Sherrard, IL.

One Day At A Time