Baby Lyon: The First Trimester

I’d be lying to you if I said that this first trimester has been easy. As much as I absolutely loved being pregnant in the past, this time around has been off to a different start in a handful of ways and it has made me think about a lot. Since I haven’t been able to do a whole lot, it has given me more time to slow down completely and that’s of course when my mind takes over. It’s taken me so long to even write all this out and get through my feelings. As we are getting close to beginning a new trimester, I wanted to wrap up everything that has been happening and answer the most FAQ’s about our pregnancy so far.

Not to spoil any fun, but it has literally looked like this photo haha.


  1. How are you sleeping? Are you getting enough rest?

    That’s all I do / insomnia is worse than normal. In the very first weeks alllll I did or wanted to do was sleep. In this pregnancy I would describe it as ‘extreme exhaustion’ haha. A little ‘catnap’ would never do me any good. But this would mostly be during the days because night time is a different story. I usually don’t sleep the best anyway through the night, but now, I really don’t. I don’t even know how I’m functioning most of the time, ha. But somehow, life goes on. I am making sure that I’m getting enough rest when I need to though to make up for the times that I can’t. Having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night doesn’t help either, I’m not one to ever do this when I’m not pregnant!

  2. Do you have morning sickness?

    Morning sickness is not in the morning for me. It’s every flipping day in the afternoons and allll through the evening. Mornings are the happiest for me. If I’m going to move or do anything at all, it’s got to be in the morning. The nausea has seriously gotten to me and has been never ending. And in my opinion, throwing up and moving on throughout the day sounds so much more enjoyable than constantly carrying around the nauseous feeling.

  3. Do you have any cravings?

    Strawberries or fruit. Otherwise, just something random here and there sounds delish. I just like and want food, ha. I was the same with my last pregnancy as well.

  4. How have you been feeling?

    I’ve been extremely exhausted overall. I think I’m just starting to get a bit better now, but this whole trimester so far has been physically draining. I’m thankful that it is this wintry time of year when it’s slower paced and I can simply focus on my body and it’s needs for rest. I was so much younger with my first and didn’t have to do as many ‘adult things’ haha so this time around has definitely been different as far as having to actually notice how I feel.

  5. Are you having any issues?

    This pregnancy I have a subchorionic hematoma and a small cyst on my ovary. These are actually very common in the first trimester and I know that I’m not alone in this. But honestly, I haven’t been able to do most of the things in my daily routine that I want to and it does make you feel a bit alone after a while. Even being in the house with the family has been so hard since I haven’t been able to do a whole lot at all lately. I can’t wait to be able to be a little crazy with the kids again instead of just laying down and feeling icky like this. In case you’ve never heard of this term: A subchorionic hematoma, or subchorionic bleed, is the accumulation of blood between the uterine lining and the outer fetal membrane next to the uterus or under the placenta itself. This may cause light to heavy spotting or bleeding or nothing at all. Baby is fine and safe as of right now, we just monitor and keep an eye on things until it hopefully it gets smaller and dissolves inside my body soon.

  6. How are YOU?

    Ok, here it is. I can’t help but to be scared and it’s made me extra emotional. A piece of my heart is fine and ready for this chapter (as I have been for years) but now that it’s here I realize another part of my heart is aching. Will this baby have the terminal disease of Sanfilippo Syndrome like my son? Genetics wise, we know that I’m obviously a carrier. This baby is not being born from the same father/Owen’s bio father, so I know that in that aspect alone, this baby will not be born with this genetic disease. It would be extremely rare for my husband to even have the other gene, let alone be able to create the mutation with me again even if he did have it. But you know what? It’s so rare in this world, yes. But it did happen to me. We are in the process of talking to our genetics doc to hear his recommendations on this, but for now… it’s just chilling in the back of my mind and again, when you’re living with something like this, you can’t help but to just be scared. We will just keep praying and continue to take one day at a time. Our chapter of life through this journey has already been written for us. We will just accept what comes our way when and if anything does, just how we always have.

  7. What is helping you get through the hard days right now?

    As super icky as I’ve felt this entire time, the one thing I can say that has made me feel good for a few minutes and something to look forward to, has just been taking a moment to take a bump photo here and there. I started showing really early this time around and it’s so crazy amazing how a woman’s body is and what it can do! I look forward to getting bigger, loving all that I can of this pregnancy. Other than that, just feeling grateful for being around the other kids and my husband and accepting the fact that it’s ok that they are taking care of me for a little bit when needed and allowing me to rest when needed. It’s so hard to not be ‘the mom’ around here like normal and I’ve just had to come to terms with knowing that it won’t last forever and it’s absolutely ok to be taken care of too.

{8 weeks - 10 weeks - 12 weeks}

{8 weeks - 10 weeks - 12 weeks}

Ok, friends! I think that’s it for now.

I don’t want to go too into detail about some other things because they will be talked about later as we get into the 2nd trimester :) We are officially on our last week of our 1st trimester and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that baby is still healthy when we go in to check in a couple weeks and this mama will be able to start living outside of her bedroom again!

Note: If you see me out in public, I may not know what I’m doing and feel like a complete zombie! Just know that I’m trying my best. Phew. I can’t believe we’ve made it this far already. Thank you to the Holiday season for speeding that up a little!

For the fun in-between updates, you can follow us on Instagram: @lifeinthelyonsden


One Day At A Time