Baby Jentry's C-Section Birth
Oh, you guys, this birth story. I can't get enough and I have relived moments of this night over and over in my head. Abbie + Justin are some of our dearest friends and it was just so heartwarming to be there and watch the birth of their second miracle babe. I really hope you all are able to grab a cup of coffee and be able to sit and relax while scrolling through these, soaking in every moment and every detail with me.
My sweet friend, Abbie. This was a very long day for you, my goodness. I'm so sorry that things didn't go quite as smoothly as you imagined throughout the process and I know you were looking so forward to a new experience with your second babe, but it was different than your first. You did so many new things and it was quite a different experience than you've had before, and I'm so glad you got to try everything you wanted! God had a plan for him already and I know that you knew it would all be worth it. Just know that you are stronger than you give yourself credit for, I saw with my own eyes all day, the strength and power that you held in your heart, mind and body. I'm so happy that you can now hold onto this moments forever. Thank you for allowing me to be along side you on your birth journey. xx
Our Dearest Jentry Scott,
We have prayed for you and dreamed of who you would be for years now. To finally get to meet you was a miraculous event for us as we were not sure if another baby was in our future. You are the rainbow after a dark storm for us and we will raise you to be courageous and kind and to be a true gentleman as your name would suggest. Your birth was not easy but taught me so much about myself and just how selfless I can be as a mother. You were stubborn from the very first ultrasound till you finally made your grand entrance into this world. You always had hands at your face, an elbow poking me in the bellybutton, and feet that were unpredictable and strong. It should have been no surprise to us that you wouldn't be too anxious to make your appearance without some extra help. Luckily we had a great team assembled to help with that and we finally could all announce as you were pulled from my body that, "It's a BOY!!" Your big sister was right all along. We were overjoyed and cried tears of happiness together. You are perfect in every way and a treasure for us to raise.
We love you so much sweet boy!
Love, Mom & Dad
Enjoy this birth story + meet
Mr. Jentry Scott
Born on March 13, 2018 at 8:43PM
8 pounds, 6 ounces, 20.5 inches long