
The Women Warriors Project

The Women Warriors Project




I’m SO happy that you are here! (BIG HUG)

w e l c o m e, l o v e.
In so many different ways, you are here for a reason. I’m so incredibly blessed and excited to be welcoming you with open arms into a space where there is connection for you, a tribe for you, advice for you, encouragement for you, just so much. A place where you will find out that you are not alone, as much as you may feel that you are in your days. And you never will be. It’s a place of comfort, where you can connect, hug, cry, laugh, tell your story, but most of all…
be yourself.
Because there is no other you, after all.

You see, as warriors, we all go through the same things in life, really. As much as you may have been through something different than the ‘struggle’ of the living warrior next to you, we all go through the same process that gets us from the beginning to the end while still being able to live through everything in between. There is a process for denial, grief, acceptance, advocacy, etc. You see, whatever it is that you are going through, we all still tend to go through the same process. And we will do this together, as again, you are not alone.

We, as women, need to keep lifting each other up. We have so much power, especially when we come together! And we need to remember that we all have a story. When we see each other out and about at the grocery store, in the carpool line at school, anywhere in public, whether our children are with us or whether we are there alone, we must remember that as quick as it is to judge someone, we don’t know that woman, we don’t know their story. They absolutely may be going through something life changing, heartbreaking, breathtaking, something taking over her e n t i r e life, swallowing her up whole. And, you know what? Maybe she just needs a freaking hug. Even a genuine smile can make someone’s day. I know I’ve been there. I know I still have days where a hug sounds like a dream to me.

We need you, but most of all, you need you.
Invest in yourself + don’t even think about giving up.

Make it through another single day with me, warrior.
Just take one day at a time.

If you’re ready for your best hair journey, let’s jump right in!
I’m here beside you every step of the way! All you have to do is believe in yourself.
Start by clicking here to take my quick hair quiz so I can see your scalp type and I’ll text you back soon!

Get ready to become new hair besties!

To the postpartum warrior,

As a mama who went through postpartum back to back herself & a photographer of birth stories and newborn sessions, I relate and resonate so deeply hard with those in those most vulnerable first days of becoming a new mama along with how your body changes in the many months after. Becoming a mother, while trying to repair myself mentally and physically is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. If you are in this phase of life, I see you. You are not alone and you’re doing so great. I’m here right beside you if there is anything that I can help you with.

“Mothers need just as much attention as a newborn, because they too have just been born.”

If you’re interesteD 

IN JOINING when we get together
as Women Warriors,
just keep an eye out
for our future gatherings!
I can’t wait to see & meet you!